
Important Changes on the way in Relation to Australian Partner Visa

New Legislation

There is new legislation on the way in relation to Australian Partner Visa. Previously only visa applicant has to apply for the visa application and Australian partner have to provide only sponsorship form, evidence of genuine relationship and some basic requirement as per current legislation.

As per new legislation on the way in 2019 first Australian partner have to apply for the sponsorship approval before visa application. Which means if sponsorship is not approved then visa application will be refused.

Important information for unlawful non-citizen

According to current Australian immigration law even your visa expire or you overstay still you can apply onshore partner visa if you are eligible apply schedule 3 waiver. Schedule 3 waiver you can do so by meet compelling and compassionate circumstances toward Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen partner.

Once new legislation hit, it may be difficult for this kind of applicant to apply onshore partner visa even if they have valid reasons to apply. Because Australian sponsor have to apply for sponsorship approval before you can apply for partner visa application.

Current Scenario

Also, currently once you apply for Onshore Partner Visa you can stay in Australia on bridging visa until your visa application get decided. But with new legislation if your Australian sponsor’s sponsorship application is delayed and your current visa expire you may have to go back to your home country or have to apply for another valid visa to stay in Australia.

Apply Your Application Now

So, the bottom-line is don’t wait please apply your application if you are eligible to apply onshore or offshore.

Please don’t use this information to make your visa application. Australian immigration law includes lots of information which require to lodge a valid visa application.

Also don’t ask your answer on Facebook messenger. If you need proper immigration advice please make an appointment at below mention contact details or meet any Australian immigration law specialist.

Oxford Immigration and Educational Consultancy
Registered Migration Agent
MARA Number: 0901468
T: 1300 581 400
M: 0452 393 890 
E:[email protected]
Street Address: Level 11 / 456 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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